Message from the CEO

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By creating new data values, we will continue to increase the potential of people.
 ​President & CEO

Hisahiro Mukai

Our company name, Nextremer, is a coined word combining “Next” and “Extreme.” Extreme means “cutting edge/limit,” and Next represents “creating the next”. The simple maintenance of the status quo leads to a decline. The idea behind the company name is to become a group that will continue to create the next, taking on challenges without fear of failure.
When our company was founded in 2012, its main business was contract research and development of AI. Later, through joint research with various companies and research institutes, and the development of its own dialogue engine and AI products, we have always chosen the path of evolution. Our action guidelines, “Let’s do it extremely. Let’s create the next and deliver it to society,” which we have maintained since our founding, have been important decision-making criteria in every phase of our company.
Around 2000, when I was a student, the theory underlying machine learning in use today already existed, but it was not at a practical level due to the limitations of data and processing power. However, the technological innovations that followed have been rapid and have evolved quickly. Data-driven processing has now become possible due to the “accumulation of big data,” “evolution in machine learning,” and “improvement in machine processing capacity.” We live in an era where data create new values, and human potential expands further. In the future, the fusion of software and hardware will be accelerated even more.
In an era of constant change, there is something that does not change. It is always the “thoughts” of people that open new avenues. People’s “thoughts” move more people and bring about new movements and technological evolutions. I have learned through my real experience that however difficult it may be, a new path will open up if I do it extremely with conviction.

Nextremer will continue to enhance the potential of people and society by providing products and services that can create data value all the time with the spirit of “Let’s do it extremely. Create the next and deliver it to society.”